2400 Calorie Diet Plan

2400 Calorie Diet Plan


SKU 00025 Category


Whats going on folks, WELCOME to my PRE DESIGNED DIET PLANS.

As most of you know I value
overall health very highly, I feel you should treat your body optimally to allow for enhanced well being with
a sustainable approach.

As the father of medicine once said “ All disease begins in the gut” –

I couldn’t agree more!

That is why ALL of my diet plans are focused on optimizing

Each menu is 100% Gluten Free, contains mainly WHOLE foods and is a diet I MYSELF would 100%
follow if such diet was my Calorie Goal. Each diet will start with a meal to really kickstart the digestive
system, setting the body up to absorb and assimilate the foods to come throughout the day. The focus
of each diet is to intake foods that are easily digestible, highly bioavailable, non bloating and non gas
causing foods.

Each Diet Plan features TWO “Sample Menus” included! Each plan has ONE menu with a MODERATE
carb macronutrient breakdown and ONE menu with a LOW carb macronutrient breakdown. This is to
allow your body to utilize the carbohydrates when it needs them (Training Days) and utilize Fat on “OFF”
days for enhanced fat burning.
All Diet plans can be used whether your GOAL is to LOSE WEIGHT, GAIN MUSCLE, OR MAINTAIN your
current state. All one needs to do is determine their MAINTENANCE calories and then determine their
GOAL, whether that is LOSE, GAIN or MAINTAIN, then choose the appropriate PRE DESIGNED DIET that
coincides with YOUR calorie requirements, based on YOUR goal!


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