Private Personal Fitness Training

1 Hour Long & Professional

All In-Person Training Sessions are 1 hour long & guaranteed to deliver results as long as you put in the time.

Beginner & Advanced

It doesn’t matter if you’ve never worked out before or working to take it to the next level – I will help you achieve your goals.

$100 a session


$150 a session


Package Rates also available!

Meet Elvis
To Train

Bring your towel & water bottle, i’ll get you feelin’ right

$100 per session: in Juniper Park, Queens or My Home Gym.


Training at Your Desired Location

Bring your towel & water bottle, i’ll get you feelin’ right
Service Area
$100 a session MUST COME TO ME
$150 a session IF I COME TO YOU
Bring your towel & water bottle, i’ll get you feelin’ right

Need a quick phone consultation?

30 Minute phone consults, concise & effective planning to get you going in the right direction.


$50 for 30 minute phone consult

Perfect for more experienced who are looking for additional coaching to help them break through plateaus.

  • Macronutrient Consulting
  • Training Program Recommendations

I will answer any questions you may have related to fitness or diet!



Ready To Work?

Online Fitness Programs


None. I have everything you need for each session. I recommend gloves but they are not necessary.
All payments are accepted through PayPal and Venmo. I will be working on accepting other methods of payment in the future.
Most sessions last 60 minutes. Some run 45 minutes and some run a little over 60 minutes. It all depends on the focus of the session.
I offer package deals for those looking to purchase multiple sessions at one time.
All sessions are either done in my garage gym or in the park, depeding on the focus of the session.